The Well And The Being

The Well and the Being

I did not know her long
_____But I knew her well
I did not know her deeply
_____But I loved her so
And though we had not the time
To share as much as I would have liked
It was more than enough
_____But it is not enough
And I miss her deeply
And when I think of her
Tears drift to my eyes
And my heart breaks
With a pain that can not be determined
For it simply bears down on my core
And drags my body with it
My ribs turn to iron
Incasing my lungs
My limbs freeze and seize
And I do not think I can continue

For I did not know her long
_____But I loved her deeply

She allowed me
Like no other I have known
To put aside my concerns so surely
That I forget they were even there
For a longer time than any other distraction allowed

And for this gracious blessing
This divine gift
She asked nothing in return
But an open ear and my presence
Who before has ever requested that?

And the memories
I can still hear her laugh
And I can still laugh
_____At the good times
Before the pain hits
_____In a wave of heartbreak

And though I am nowhere near where she should still be
I still wake expecting to find her

And for her
I have only this gift
_____Though it is meaningless
_____Though it is a cruel trick for the world to play
But when I think of her
I can cry
And no other has stirred this in me
_____She is the first to exact this pull beyond other motivation
And like so many others
_____Though they grieve more than I can comprehend
I will never forget her
_____My friend.


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