
Showing posts from June, 2008


I feel tired. And all that that implies.

Battlestar Galactica

Just a few of my thoughts on the show, because I had some points I wanted to make. I like the show, but honestly, I'm not terribly attached to any character or episode. I'm not sure I can even name an episode, let alone a favorite one. But on the whole, thinking of it as one un -mini mini-series, I think it's all pretty good. I think the writers have done better at the beginning (when there was no end in sight) and end of the series (when they have a specific place they have to stop). It seems a little lost in the middle. I think it's interesting that no point has been made of the fact that Hera is not the only half- cylon child. Tyrol's kid is too. And with all of Tigh's confusion between Six and his wife, it's made me wonder if maybe his wife was a Six. I mean, Tigh's aged, so maybe he was married to a Six and she aged too. And she wouldn't have been one of the Five because, there were other Sixes. It'd be an interesting point. Although, as


Have you ever seen a face or had an idea that gave you hope only to have it die when your own fears and doubts stab you through the heart? (Rhetorical, because I know the answer is "yes".)

Little Miss...

I'm feeling very downtrodden. Well, actually, I was feeling better because I was doing random research on Wikipedia , which always takes my mind off things. But I had made it a point to post and "downtrodden" was the intended topic. Thus, again, I feel downtrodden. But because I was feeling better, I don't feel like talking about it. So " niah ." (me sticking my tongue out in, well, the closest thing is contempt. Well, sort of. Contempt for the idea of moaning about my feelings, and I suppose apathy (as usual) for your opinion on it ("it" being whatever your opinion is on. Doesn't matter, because, well, apathy).). On another note, try iMesh . It's fun. On a related note: Sorry Fitz94, my power went out. Music: "I Kissed A Girl" ~Katy Perry The Klaxons (specifically "Golden Skans ") OneRepublic (specifically "Apologize," either by them or the remix by Timbaland ...if there's a difference, I can't tell.

The Only Sport. The Only Team.

Wha -ha-ha. Wha -ha-ha. WHA -HA-HA The Cup is Ours. It will Always be Ours. Other teams just keep it warm. We are Hockeytown . We are never bad, just unlucky. Or we've lost to a team having a slightly better season. The Red Wings win the Stanley Cup against the Pittsburgh Penguins (and I like them too). 3-2, Game 6 of the series (4 games to 2) Osgood kicked Ass. Woot .

The Great and Terrible

They say God has a plan for everyone. They say God knows everything: past, present, future. All that was, is, will be. Could be? Does suicide throw off the plan? But wouldn't he have known? Did he plan my life, knowing I would fail, just so he could punish me for failing? Am I an example to others? Or knowing I would not make it, does God have no purpose for me? I cannot feel his purpose. But most often, I cannot feel him. Are they connected? Can I know my course in life without knowing the God that carved the path? Does consciousness exist in others? Am I the only one? Am I supposed to be conscious? Or am I flawed beyond repair? Am I flawed because of Adam? Or was I created this way? Does that make me a mistake? Did God make a mistake? Did God, knowing I would fail, leave out the purpose to my life, thus making the failure the purpose of my life? Can God microwave a burrito so hot that even he can't eat it?