

The bandits raided
Demons who stole my heart
I am left vacant
A showpiece
For all the things not to be

I am Titania
I am a Wicker Deity
And failing to take notice

I have not danced naked in the summer rain
But my mind is free
I will ascend
Rising through spheres
Divine nations
The future I have seen

Striving for connections because they are all I have
The value of them lost to the horizon
A black hole event

Swallowed hearts
Sitting in my throat
The foam at my mouth
Made of words I cannot say

The shotgun would do it
If only you had the heart

Demons stole it
Pulled it through

The slices in my veins
And I found myself the better for it
More able to endure

Demons stole it
Demons stole it
This thing that didn’t work
This thing of hate and wretched sin
This thing to stoke a fire
And the snapping scorpion tail
It is only poisonous if the barb pierces your flesh and pumps you full
Tiny little molecules that fly to central organs
Screaming and shutting down
Crying black octopus ink

The demon hugged me
And promised I’d be better off
And if I could just remember what it felt like before
Then I could remember that it’s right
The void is all that’s left
And the imprint of his arms

He is a man now
Because he took the thing that set us apart

And now I am the demon
On my way to Hell.


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