The Vanishing Man

The Failure has entered a new realm
A place of many people she cannot compete against
Joy has nagged her to be this thing

_____She must refuse

Attempts are made for a time
But The Failure gives no reaction
And soon the people leave
Replaced by the small mutterings of inspiration
They speak words The Failure can understand
But without tongues,
Their voices are lost

The Failure must stand on her own

_____It seems unlikely

She is restless for her life to begin
But The Failure fears her Story is being told in another place

Oh, The Story is supposed to say so much
To guide The Failure
To be a beacon

But perhaps in wishing it to be so many things
The Failure has missed what it is

The Failure stands upon the staircase
No one says her name
She descends deeper than the steps allow
The Failure is greeted politely when she forces the introduction
But soon enough they leave her side
Her ability to slip unnoticed is remarkable
Though no one will
When The Failure seeks attention she fails
And when she wishes to hide
She cannot be ignored

They can all live without her
Oh how The Failure would leave them

_____If she thought it would help

She is not as strong as she thinks she is.
Because naturally, it is not them she is thinking of.
“Her” is the thought unfinished

The circle has been broken and she will be the first to die
An army of darkness is advancing on her

_____She’s forgotten how to fight
_____How to hold a sword

_____How to swing for the fences
_____The crack of wood and leather

_____These words are disconnected
_____The mutters make no sense,
_____their purpose has been lost over ages,
_____ravaged by time

She hates the lack of purpose.
But that’s what seals her fate.


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