
You come out ready
Building for a fight
You expect I won’t fight back
You act as though I am diminutive
Without a mind of my own
Or the heart to back it up

You roar your challenge
And stand there assuming I will quake
And every time I answer back
It catches you off guard

Your irritation is a hair trigger
You explode
You kill us all with friendly fire

But flawless you remain
Because when we protest
You scoff
And put us in the wrong

You are right because you say so
With no logic to the point

You are oblivious
But I’m sure you think you see it all

Where the other eats us from the inside out
Rotting us at our core
You simply cut the legs out from under us
Insisting we be shorter
To emphasize your power

You instill no drive
You inspire no passion
You gave me no chance
But expect me to succeed
Despite that you do not care about what I love

You show no interest
But expect results

I am dying in this place
And you’re the reason why.


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