Midnight Movie Theater

This is an empty seat
_____(Built for one of two
_____I can wait for either
_____A midnight rendezvous
_____Illicit or other I will accept it)

This is a cry for help
Can I help you
For I am fine
_____(At least, as I chose to be)

Oh unremarkable
This world
This place
And I hope
The destination

I am fine
_____(As I see it)
In who I am
_____(Not without flaws
_____For I never stake that claim)
But they are flaws I enjoy
I am happy to play the advocate
The devil
If it will force honesty
If it makes you think about who you think you are
What you think you believe

You say the title of the list
I am…
And never notice items, stipulations, they tack on the end
Most Senators don’t read the entire bill

I am happy
As I know its definition
Dark but for the clear
Dead but for a pulse
Heartless but for an ache

I do not truly argue
With the things you say
For you say I am wrong
And I know I am not
But I will spar
When there is no significance attached

All the things you don’t want to be
_____(But realize you’ve become)
Are all the things I could easily accept
_____(If it meant my purpose had begun)
Evil deeds are easy to accept when you’re a wretched soul
I will go to hell before I even die

Sorrow is dragging my weary steps
_____(How did so much happiness come to you
_____So much success)
I feel like merely a person you are pushing along
_____(Because I fall every time someone lets go)
They are not right about what I am
But possibly about where I will go
You have what I want
And I have no way to get copies of my own

I have never seen my future
_____(It is why I so often think it is not there)
And even with these things I want
I’m not sure I really care

But lightning could strike
_____(And I hope it will)
The clouds could part
And my fortune could rain
And maybe that will be enough to ease my pain


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