

My heart is broken
By Time
And by Failed Intentions
In a house of Crystal and Polished Glass
my Reflection is Distorted
I no longer see what I Am
But only what I have Become
I cut my wrists
And give a sacrifice of Blood to the Old Gods
But the Alters have been Forgotten
And the Gods have left
And I am here with Nothing
but more Pain to Add to my heavy load

My Soul will die in this place
I have Shut it Away
To keep it Safe
To keep my Sanity
To Survive
But it will Die
In a Storage Room
of my Steel Heart
And When I Leave
And Let it Loose
Nothing will Come
My Soul will Die in that place

And I am Soon to Follow

I seek Glory where there is none
I seek Purpose where there is none
I seek Life where there is none
And I seek Love
Though I miss it when it comes
Though I flinch when it’s in front of me
Though I fail to notice it when it leaves
Though I can not tell it is there
Even as I am feeling it

Alone and In Pain
The words on my Grave
The place where I live
For Death has come
But Only for my soul
And my Flesh
And Heart
And Mind
Are Left
To Dream of things we cannot be
Places we cannot go
Things we will miss for all our lives

And I sulk with jealousy
Because though my Feet are in my Grave
I have not yet the chance to Rest


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