The Prologue

A body lies on a cold steel floor

She does not move
She barely has the will to breathe

She is alone
The room around her is a dull, matted gray

Nothing moves her

But every once in a while
A man comes to talk to her
A woman comes to visit her
A child’s presence will delight her

He can make her smile
One of the few things
She enjoys his company

But she makes the mistake of expecting him
Looking forward to him
And now,
He does not come

She is alone again

Once she had a family
But she pushed it aside for her friends

Once she had friends
They would laugh and play
But when she asked a question
They would not answer
_____(she wondered if they even heard)
So when the silence continued
She pushed

Once she had friends
_____(she pushed and they pushed back)
But they pushed her away

Once she had a life
But she pushed it aside to find herself
To find happiness


But her life is gone
_____(she sits unprotected, undisguised in the middle of traffic, the road, just waiting for a car to strike, just waiting for a truck to pounce, listening for the siren that will tell her she is dead)
But her life is gone
And her friends
And her family

She found herself
And was happy for a while
But now the happiness is gone too

For no one liked who she’d become
Who she was

And everything she liked
And loved
And knew
Melted and molded and was forged into this great steel room
It makes her cold and miserable
But she hasn’t found the strength to leave
And she doesn’t know what waits for her

And everyone sees her walls
But they don’t know what it means
And they don’t understand when she speaks to them
_____(she suspects they don’t listen, for she speaks as plain as any other)
And she fears that they don’t care
But she’s sure it isn’t true

All she needs is a hand
All she needs is a hand to reach through
To grab her and pull her clear

But she doesn’t know what it looks like
Or where to find it
For everyone she knows has turned to cold steel
And she is too sad
Too alone
Too tired
To go looking outside her walls
For something new

So she lies
Crying for a world that does not exist
A world she has desperately tried to create

And this is the Story of the Failure.


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