
I am Bionic
My heart has been replaced by a mechanical, winding clock
The thoughts I think are clicked out by turning gears
Metal pins hold my memories in place
I walk with unbending knees

I am disconnected from God
My Maker

The steel of my skin has been torn in twain
It is pulling away from my wired ligaments
I am leaking lubrication
I am shedding black, oil tears

I was founded in the foundry
The singing of the hammers was my lullaby
Dedicated in burning, sunshine coals
Dried in crisp, cool water
The anvil was my crib and I wailed to prove the workmanship of my lungs
I was suckled on molten metals and oppressive heat was the blanket that wrapped me tight.

My education was the school of “Why”
And I never found an answer
What was made and built and changed
Was made and built and changed
And never the why appeared
My forging in the forging held no comparison to the torment of my mind

A purpose stacked before me
Stacked and stacked, the sheets of metal
The hammer fit my hand and I learned my own song to cast into the air
It burnt a charcoal black and I wiped the soot from my face
My world was of fire
But my heart was a clock that counted the time passing by

A cooling breeze curled round my feet and I turned to meet an open door
I asked where it went and the door told me of the world
It told me of blue and green, of grass and rain
I laid down my hammer
I kissed my anvil goodbye
I lurched toward the door and he took me into the world

The door was my father who led me to new places
The door was my mother who held steady my hand
I dreamed of more until it became a black hole in my mind
When I entered the world, it entered my mind
It flooded to fill the space and I welcomed the water’s caress

The sun kissed my metal face
My hair cut the breeze that blew
My feet crushed the earth
Everywhere I went I could see where I had been and I journeyed far

The Tin Man was my first lover
and I miss his gentle touch
But the weeping drove me mad

I sought a harder paramour
But had to settle for a man
The secrets locked in his head occupied my thoughts
Swept with jealousy
But I loved the grip when he held me in his hand and shook me to life

My brackets made a racket
And I learned a sly wink

And though it ended bitter, he taught me well
All whom I left loved me whether I cared for them or not

So soon behind me, there came a crowd
To see the wonder of the mechanical girl
To spin my gears and tap my shell
Haunted by the harmless, I fled to far lands
Across the sea, across the sand,
Until I came upon a place where the footprints behind me were wiped away and every step was a new place

I met an ancient man who wielded ancient power and I was as foreign to him as he was to me
His brother was the first grain of sand
His sister the first speck of salt
He was first among men though it did not wear on his face
He taught me all his old tricks and I taught him something new

I made a wife for him
A metal girl in my metal image, though she did not have my ticking heart
So he took a star from the sky and placed it in her chest
When she opened her eyes, the star began to scream and the girl did the same
The two could not be mixed so the ancient man struck her down and wept
I kissed him as he cried
He thanked me and I took my leave

When I left, I clasped the star and began to take it home
I climbed stairs to the heavens
The higher I got, the more the star sang so that soon I wept too

As I walked, the ticking slowed.
The gears began to stick
The metal pins began to shake loose

Before my eyes flooded the lovers and the followers
The hammer, the anvil, and all those years of “Why”
The star kept its song and when my body failed, I left it behind

Up among the heavens, I burned so bright
The forged spark of my soul that was all that remained
The stars sang in a deafening chorus and I heard the sweet lullaby
I am Bionic and remembered a sweet lullaby
I opened my mouth to ask why
But my mouth was gone
My mind could not find the question
My memories were gone
My heart was still on the stairs, ticking towards death
I wept black, oil tears
And I was in the night and the black and the ink
I opened my mouth to ask why but all I wanted was to sing
So I sang
And in the night and the black and the ink, I burned so bright
And the forged spark was all that remained.


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