
My computer breathes in time with me
A reflexive skin

I have waited a thousand years for this revenge
For this chance at revenge and I have failed.

Do I have a thousand more years?

I see where the edge has come, but cannot bring myself to stand there and look.
To look when all I want to do is look.

To see the vast expanse stretch before me, my courage makes me falter.

I am unwilling to take a risk, for that means there is a chance to fail.

And I cannot fail.

My computer breathes with me and exhales a fogged breath in this cold winter air.
Once it was cliffs and edges that overlooked ravines.
I have waited a thousand years for this revenge and now the world is a different place
Now it is railings and balconies.
Now my screams of rage are drowned by the masses.
I cannot bring the Doom if I cannot make my voice heard.
But the masses teethe and swarm in their own way.
Their eyes are on their feet. Their minds are in their heads and each is certain that in the right light, they will glow.
What is a sorceress to them, them who dream of lights and stages?
What is a sacrifice, or revenge, to them who look up and only seek a mirror?
I scream and my rage is impotent to those: them who move as one, swaying to the breeze and rhythm of a self-served fame.
What is rage in a land that will not heed my revenge?
What is revenge in a land that does not understand sacrifice?
What is revenge in lands where men are dead?
Lands where lights have replaced the stars
Lands where every day has replaced every day

I woke to a land where all I sought was long ago, faded away, bones worn down to remnants, souls worn to technological ghosts.

I have waited a thousand years for this revenge
For this chance at revenge and I have failed.


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