Coping Skills

Pleasantly picture days without pills
Days without pills don’t disappear in a dash
Imagine instead ingesting only infantile amounts

Now picture a beach where the sand goes miles, that pleasant light tan and occasional sparkles. Waves that lap, waves that kiss and caress those miles of beaches
The sun’s shining high with fluffy white clouds. The water is rolling, dark, dark blue.
It teases you once, when you test a foot or a toe. “Too cold too cold.” You splash as you go. The joke has worked once and is now put away. The waves will embrace you and pull you to sea.
Relax and lean back on inner tube or raft. Reach and lean back, fixing shades over your eyes, checking sunscreen and your position to land
Relax and Drift.
Let the sway beneath you wrap you in a blanket.


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