The Value of a Human Life.

Minimum wage in Michigan is $7.40 an hour. Figuring to work 40 hours a week, figuring taxes to be about a third of your income, an individual is expected to make less than $800 a month.

The average, decent apartment (and this is probably a conservative estimate) in Grand Rapids is about $500 a month. For one bedroom.

How, exactly, is a person supposed to live on $300 a month?

I mean, I'm sure some people out there have figured out how, have managed to stretch their dollars.

But considering the cost of utilities, phones, gas, etc., how exactly is one supposed to eat?

What does someone do in an emergency?

I mean, think of it, car registration and insurance in Michigan is required. Registration, for a one inch sticker to place on your license plate is about $80. If, after rent, you only have $300 a month, and you're already stretching that to the brink, where is $80 supposed to come from?

It's paralyzing to think that one person cannot, or barely, survive on a full-time job.

And what if they have to support more than themselves?



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