
It’s a cruel, cruel summer
_____The day that I was born

I wake to burning skies
Orange and copper that tears the skin from my bones as I stand naked in the light
I stand bare against the summer sun and dream of waves that can wash me away
The ground has pulled me close
The sky has pushed me away
Gravity claimed me as a child and clipped my wings
I have been deceived about my heritage
But it is too late for me to fix

Bright eyes speak to me through darkness
Glints of Gleaming and hints of the horrors yet to come

Beyond the horizon lays the ocean
Beyond the sea lies the edge of the world that I’d hoped to see
Beyond the horizon lies more horizon, always on
_____ its side. Always lying down under the weight of
_____ hopes and dreams the travelers before me have
_____ abandoned, hoping to make it one step farther.
And around the next bend lie their corpses and I find
_____ myself among family. My kin

The Elephant Graveyard relocated

The night.
The darkness.
The light of the moon.

The night hides them and I think myself alone.

I think.

The sun rises
Dawn brings new days and screams that echo off the walls of existence
I know my own voice

A pale stranger glides over the perspective edge
_______________Slides across the ground
And with a face that is my own, I greet myself.

_____Burning in the light of day
_____Don’t wake me up
_____Don’t make me stay
_____The passion of a pleasant fruit

Burning in the midday sun
Tethered to the sand

The cattle stolen
I have died
The horseneck broken
I have cried
Abandoned in the wilderness
Robbed of my mobility

I have awoken in this new world, in this new shell
I know my own past, yet I know it is not mine
I rise to greet the Dawn, for Aurora has a message for me

“Live, dear child, blessed one, this life is where you live, the place you’ve always belonged”

I stab her with a silver blade
And he does not die, but crawls away in his serpent form

Trumpets sound and the world lights like lightning packed too tight against the sky
Angels descend from on high

“Live,” they sing in glory and a golden, honey shimmer like melting maple syrup

“Dear child, blessed one, this life is where you live, the place you’ve always belonged”

And I stab them with a silver blade, already drenched in someone’s blood
I think it is my own

Angels scream but they do not die
To the heavens they rush

To speak of my rejection
To report it all

And I weep because it is not the truth
And yet, I am wrapped in the lie

The skyline shifts again and I am gone

_____ The currents sweep me ‘cross jagged rocks
_____ The sentimental sediment
_____ The dirt that weighs me down

An eddy has spun me round
Lost, I swim to the brightest light I see and come eye to eye with a monster of the deep
A mirror of sea glass
I struggle for air when I’ve no need to breathe
Water sweeps into my lungs
For I have panicked in this foreign world
Shadows sweep through darkness
Though all black to my eyes
Icy water grips me and walls push in
But what is this watery grave, compared to my own vocabularic cage?

There are no Christians here
Just the emptiness of space and the emptiness that came before God
They offer nothing for that is what they are
They do not speak
Nor dream nor give concern or contempt
They are the hollow incarnate
And I know I cannot stay,
Simply, because I want to
And that is the thing I shall never get

But here at the beginning of time, I seek to restart the seed of my own life

I fail

_____ For my failure,
__________ for my favor of the pain
_____ There are no second chances
__________Only flame.

I burn
But there are no cries of agony
For I have caused myself so much worse,
What can he do to me?
He marvels at what a simple child could become and offers me a crown
And as his queen, he mocks me and takes me to his bed
But there is no satisfaction, for over his shoulder and out the open window, I see golden gates and know the suburban wife’s envy
The handsome neighbor
My lust burns me where he cannot

I will sleep with the Devil and dream of God
And this is the blasphemy that will get me there
Written in red, rose, blood


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