I Am: The Field of Battle
I am the hungry caterpillar
I sense in me the potential to become something new
But when I look in the mirror I am constantly surprised that I’ve yet to transform
I am waiting in my cocoon
My hard shell
I have eaten pesticide
And sleep in a coma
I crawl out of my grave to a great, grey graveyard surrounded by the tombs of those who’ve meant nothing to anyone, least of all to me
But they are my kin
The ignoble dead and dead alike rise up from the ground with unbending knees
We lurch to the east and await the rising sun
Bursting into flames as the line touches us
A nauseating display of pyrotechnics
My breath is caught in my throat at the rollercoaster’s plunge
The clack of wood
The crack of leather
Whipped by the scorpion’s tail
I am poisoned
These words are in a foreign tongue
I cannot understand them
I will not comprehend tomorrow what I have felt today
Each day I’m born
Each night I die
My skin is burning with a fire I cannot source
I roll in the dirt
I claw the flesh from my bones
But as dead cells are removed, I have grown into a new shell
Each day I am reborn
And still, I wonder why there is no recognition
I am horse blinders strapped across my eyes
The twisted worlds of bitter resolve
Marry me before you meet me
My words echo through time as a testament to my wondrous me
Lies bleeding from nasal cavities
Bitch me
Ditch me
My apologies for my lack of luster when shined on with the ultra violet spectrum
The twisted tale that eats itself
I took my own virginity by opening my eyes
To the storms that raged over ocean edges
Struck by lightning I smolder under your burning gaze
Outer beauty reflects the poison I keep inside
Mocking you, I appear the other
Owl eyes
Tree bark beneath my feet I climb
Fly to the sunset, drifting west
Stumbling without my map
Hearing an echoed song and dancing in the darkness
I never look the part I’m meant to play
My costumes all got washed away
The rhyming game has never worked with my one true name
It possess no sound
Sliver blades and fangs
The East and honor
The great wide plain and the glory of the blood it spilled
I am the Story that Failed
The metaphor manifested
The manifesto burned by a thousand bitter men
I am the effigy of the Dawn, tortured in this time of reason
I am the Demon’s Tail and I signal your child’s death, the coming of the flood
I mimic the words and music that have been lost to time
I Am Knowledge
I am the Keeper
I am the Cut Your Losses
I am the Cannot End
The Repetition
I am the hungry caterpillar, waiting in my shell
I sense in me the potential to become something new
But when I look in the mirror I am constantly surprised that I’ve yet to transform
I am waiting in my cocoon
My hard shell
I have eaten pesticide
And sleep in a coma
I crawl out of my grave to a great, grey graveyard surrounded by the tombs of those who’ve meant nothing to anyone, least of all to me
But they are my kin
The ignoble dead and dead alike rise up from the ground with unbending knees
We lurch to the east and await the rising sun
Bursting into flames as the line touches us
A nauseating display of pyrotechnics
My breath is caught in my throat at the rollercoaster’s plunge
The clack of wood
The crack of leather
Whipped by the scorpion’s tail
I am poisoned
These words are in a foreign tongue
I cannot understand them
I will not comprehend tomorrow what I have felt today
Each day I’m born
Each night I die
My skin is burning with a fire I cannot source
I roll in the dirt
I claw the flesh from my bones
But as dead cells are removed, I have grown into a new shell
Each day I am reborn
And still, I wonder why there is no recognition
I am horse blinders strapped across my eyes
The twisted worlds of bitter resolve
Marry me before you meet me
My words echo through time as a testament to my wondrous me
Lies bleeding from nasal cavities
Bitch me
Ditch me
My apologies for my lack of luster when shined on with the ultra violet spectrum
The twisted tale that eats itself
I took my own virginity by opening my eyes
To the storms that raged over ocean edges
Struck by lightning I smolder under your burning gaze
Outer beauty reflects the poison I keep inside
Mocking you, I appear the other
Owl eyes
Tree bark beneath my feet I climb
Fly to the sunset, drifting west
Stumbling without my map
Hearing an echoed song and dancing in the darkness
I never look the part I’m meant to play
My costumes all got washed away
The rhyming game has never worked with my one true name
It possess no sound
Sliver blades and fangs
The East and honor
The great wide plain and the glory of the blood it spilled
I am the Story that Failed
The metaphor manifested
The manifesto burned by a thousand bitter men
I am the effigy of the Dawn, tortured in this time of reason
I am the Demon’s Tail and I signal your child’s death, the coming of the flood
I mimic the words and music that have been lost to time
I Am Knowledge
I am the Keeper
I am the Cut Your Losses
I am the Cannot End
The Repetition
I am the hungry caterpillar, waiting in my shell