Well, I got all of my books for my classes, so that's good but I still haven't been able to get ahold of my advisor so I can't get one of my classes dropped. Hopefully I'll be able to catch him tomorrow, if not I'll have to e-mail him.

Umm....what else was I going to say?

Lalalalala sing a happy song.

Sorry, had a bit of a Smurf moment there. (for those of you who don't get it, the "happy song" thing is off of the Smurf theme. It goes: "Lalalalala sing a happy song. Lalalalala Smurf the whole day long.")

hehe, Smurfs.

so yeah.

I have no idea where I was going with this.
Hey, that was in iambic pentameter. Sorry, we talked about it in my English class today. And plus I thought it was amuzing that I actually did it. It wasn't on purpose or anything, it was just...

yeah, did I mention I was off my rocker?
"I'm so far off my rocker, I fell off the porch." hahahaha *sigh*. That was for AmateurScientist, he'll get it. The rest of you get to be clueless...well, actually, it's not really that hard to get, it's just lame if you weren't there to hear it the first time...come to think of it, it was lame then, too. Hey, everyone's entitled to a few bad ones. Just because I never use them doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to. I just generally like to give them to people who need them (the entitlements, not the bad jokes) more...like you. Yeah, I'm talking to you. You know you need all the help you can get...no, no, don't need to thank me. I'll just put it on your tab. (Just to let you know, you should probably start saving up now. I'm collecting as soon as I take over the world which will be within the next 10 years, so watch it.)

I really have no idea where this was going.

Hey, watch the music video for "Beer For My Horses" by Toby Keith. It has Corin Nemic (aka Jonas Quinn of Stargate SG-1) who is extremely hot, I mean mad crazy hot ("mad crazy" is apparently my new saying. I'm not sure why, it just comes up a lot. Anyway) plus it gets really amusing at the end but I'm not going to ruin it by telling you why...or would it be how? I don't know...more importantly, I don't care, just go watch the damn video.

I saw that. I told you to go watch the video. Do it now. Don't make me come over there and kick your ass.

Yeah, so that was a very odd post. I'm gonna leave now before things get worse.......

*runs away, runs far away*


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