So I got completely trashed last night, and I do mean completely. I was having trouble standing up. Umm...there isn't really too much to say on the topic. I mean, I could talk about it for a while, but I wouldn't really say anything. There was a lot that happened but not too much is standing out as far as worth telling or mentioning. It was lots of fun though. Can't wait to do it again. I might get drunk again tonight, but I'm not sure. It depends on who I can find to drink with me.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I've got to get back to studying....yes, I'm actually studying, don't give me that look.

So, Later. Oh, quick shout out to Kaley, my drinking buddy and House President. She apparently looked over this. I don't know how much you saw, though. The archives have some fun stuff, you should look through that.
Also, she took the "Claim your wings" test, she's Angelic Wings, which I kinda buy.

Anyway, take the test for yourself, it's fun.

So right, i was on my way out. As always, if you want to comment, e-mail me at

Hmm, my profound thought for the careful what color cheese you eat. Yellow is good, green is bad.

I have no idea where that came from. I swear I'm not drunk right now. Anyway, I guess you got stuck with more of a random thought then a profound one. You'll get over it, I'm sure.


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