sucks. They have too much stuff that I want. I'm very upset, well not upset at, more like upset at myself for buying it when I know I don't need to.

*sigh* Oh well.

First day of classes tomorrow. That should be fun. I need to drop my Intro to Shakesphere class. It's far away. We're talking off-campus away. I don't plan on trudging a mile away, off-campus, through the snow, at ten every morning for a class I don't need and a class I didn't really want in the first place (I wanted another English class and the one I really wanted was full, so I took this one to fill my schedule). So that one's off. I'm gonna try and find another one but I'm not sure where I'll be able to fit it in unless it's another 10 o'clock class. I could fit one in on Friday or Mondays & Thursdays at 3:00-5:00. On the other hand, I still have four classes, but one of them is only a 1 credit class, which leaves me at just 13 credit hours and I'd much rather have at least 16 so I'm going to try and add another class tomorrow. Right now, the system for registering isn't on so I'll have to wait.

What do you guys think? I mean, it's not exactly a life or death situation, but it's still an important thing to figure out. If you care, or even if you don't but want to e-mail me anyway, send'em to

Man, I don't even want to think about what I'm doing for next year. I've got to apply for an RA position and if I don't get that, I might be transferring to MSU, and then in 2 1/2 years, it's grad school. Don't know where I'll do that, maybe Chicago.

Crap. Now I'm stressing myself out and my head hurts.Well, sleeping should be lots of fun. Can't wait to see what my dreams are gonna be. Floating pieces of paper, swirling colleges in the sky, overwelming mounds of stress. I wonder what stress looks like.

Well, that was an odd moment.

Anyway. Lata.


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