Is it weird that I don't want to play my new Farscape game because I don't want to turn off my music? I mean, I'm at college, I play all my music on my computer. I don't even have a radio up here. I love music but I love Farscape too. And I just got the game in the mail today so I should have been going all crazy and loading it up before I even took it out of the package. But I'm not. It's just sitting here next to me. And I'm not going nuts over it. Could this be a sign of increasing or impending maturity? Is there a cure for that? I have this not-turning-off-the-music problem with other things too. Like when I want to watch TV, I'll leave my music on. It's very weird. And then sometimes when I'm just sitting here listening to it, I get in a strange mood and don't want to do anything. I mean, I want to do stuff, I just don't. Like I want to write but i won't. Or I need to do laundry or eat dinner, or whatever, but I won't do it. I'll just sit here and listen to music till my ears burn out. Is that odd? I'm not sure. I do think that it might be proof that music can influence your moods, i.e. calm the savage beast, because I have noticed that certain types of music affect me in different ways. I think it might even influence what I dream about, but that doesn't really surprise me much, nor should it surprise you since what you ate for dinner can influence your dreams. Anyway, where was I? Right, music affecting people. Now, I don't think that it causes people to go ballistic and shoot up schools or anything like that. Just like I don't believe that movies and video games don't either. Now movies, music, and video games can give us ideas of things to do, but they don't cause it. You really think that the only reason people go out and do stupid things is because they saw it on TV? That's moronic. I can assure you, people who want to do something stupid would have done something whether you gave them the idea or not. Why? Well, that's easy. Because the people who go out and do stupid things are stupid people. Duh.

Oh and hello to Osirus because he apparently has too much time on his hands and read this. How was that for a rant? It wasn't very long, but they saw it's quality that counts, not quantity. Frankly I don't give a flying fuck. Don't give a swimming one either, but you know wha tI meant.

Okay, so the rant is making me lose my mind. I'm out. See ya on the flip side. Hahaha, *sigh* that's a funny phrase.


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