
Great episode of Angel tonight. Lindsey pretended to be Doyle, who's dead, not that Spike would know that.
And I LOVED Spike's take on helping the damsel in distress. After saving her from the vampire, he tells her it's her own fault for walked down dark allies in heels. Hahaha. It was very funny.

At this point, I have to admit my own ignorance. I don't really know what goes into being a director. So I don't really know how much credit Daivd Boreanz deserves for being the director of this episode. I mean, it's not like he wrote it. I used to have this same problem with actors. I was never sure how much they did so i didn't see why it was such a big idea. Now I understand, at least a little better, what kind of talent and effort acting takes. But I'm still in the dark on the acting.

Hey, Spike used Angel's double wrist stake rig. And I think he used one of Angel's lines too.

I like Eve, she's perky. Even if she is an evil bitch. Fred's good too, and Wes. But Gunn gets on my nerves. Lorne's kinda annoying too. I like the balance that Harmony (no pun intended) gives it. Kind of like Cordelia was in the Buffy series.

Haha. Okay, so Angel's having a freaky dream and "Fred" comes in to find the problem. She cuts open his chest, finds various things (kinda like she was disecting a shark). Then she pulls out a fishbowl, filled with water and what looked like a dead goldfish, then she hands it to a bear. It was very amusing.

Okay, since I'm writing this while I'm watching, I have yet to figure out/learn why Lindsey is turning Spike into Angel. I think it might be all part of Angel's dream but I'm not sure. I'm assuming they'll tell/show us.

I'm using a lot of / in this post.

Okay, so real world Angel is sick because some freaky bug thing is sucking on his chest. This still doesn't explain if the Spike-to-Angel transformation is real or not. I'm definitely getting a this-is-all-a-dream vibe.

Oh man, that was freakin' hilarious. I just can't descride the Spike-gets-his-reward part. There was the fairy and the "you're a real boy" line, and the fairytale castle. Oh man, I think I split a gut. Ah poor Angel, now he's just the mail boy.

Eve, Eve, you're so sneaky. Honestly, though, why don't people ever question other people's timing? I question timing. I question everything...but that's partly because I trust nothing.
Oh, that's good. Angel's going dream crazy so Eve walks in and says "I'm not really here, you're dreaming". And he bought it. Never buy the "dream" line. It's always a lie. I can't believe he bought it. In Eve's defense though, if there was ever a time to use it, that would have been it. You can't really blame the evil girl for taking advantage of a good (or bad depending on how you look at it) situation. Angel's just a moron.

Okay, so the "Spike the Dark Avenger" bit was real world and not dream. That's okay. No big.

Anyway. Good episode. I'm gonna go. Been nice chatting with you. Later.

Have you ever started typing one word but your fingers type a completely different one? It's not just spelling the right word the wrong way, it's spelling the wrong word the right way. It always freaks me out.


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