Serves me right.

On my last post, I said that things sucked.

Well, I suppose that's what I get for my presumption.

You see, things have gotten worse. Much worse.

The List:

- My rent is still due.
- If my cable bill paid itself, then my checking account is overdrawn.
- My electric bill is 2 weeks overdue.
- One of my credit card bills is overdue.
- In about 2 weeks or so, I have to pay a student loan bill, a second credit card bill, my Dell bill, my Old Navy bill, and my phone bill
- The other half of insurance is due
- A left-over tuition bill (I'm not even going to mention how much that is) that will soon go to a collection agency and ruin my credit score
- No job
- No reasonable amount of writing done, despite all the time I have

And to top it all off: Because I never got around to paying for it, because whenever I had the money I never remembered, and whenever I remembered I didn't have the money, my car registration is 6 months late, I now have (on top of the $80 to get the registration itself) a $110 ticket that I have to figure out how to pay for.

And I can't even come up with payment plans for the ticket or the tuition because I don't have any money.

And "unbelievable" is the best response I can hope for from my parents about the ticket. And whatever they really think, I doubt they'll say to my face.

And I can't tell my Aunt about the tuition bill, because as far as they know, last tuition was already paid for. (somehow I managed to get a semester behind in the bill)

So here you have it.

I am now daring the cosmos, spitting in the face of the Universe, God, Satan, or whatever divine/spiritual/influential being there might be: Go ahead. Try and make my life worse.

I'm asking for it. Seriously.

I want to see how creative you all can get in ruining my life. I'll applaud you, whoever can come up with the worse thing to do to me.

I feel like Job. Except without anything to take away and without any spirituality worth testing.

I mean, apparently I did something the universe found so awful that I'm still paying for it, that I'm still getting crap for it, and all the good I've ever done for anyone isn't make a dent in it.

So go for it. Knock yourself out.

Let's see what you've got.


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