It's sad when you learn from VH1

It should be against the law for celebrities to name their own children.

I mean "Coco" and "Apple" are one thing.

But come on:

Poppy Honey and Daisy Boo
God'iss Love
Rebel, Rocket, Racer, Rogue
Audio Science
Hopper Jack
Prince Michael, Paris Michael, Prince Michael II (aka "Blanket")
Dixie Dot and Bebe Bell
Rumer, Scout, Tallulah Bell
Reign Beau and Freedom
Story and Dream
London (doesn't sound so bad, until you learn, it's where he was conceived)
Trixie Bell, Pixie, Peaches Honey Blossom
Pilot Inspector

Seriously. Actual names.

I mean, sure, I like names like "Alecto," "Vain," "Isaura," "Adara," or "Cree."

But I'm nice enough to keep those names to characters in my novels.

If I had a kid, I'd name them "Edward" or "Evelyn." Jason or Jonathan, if there wasn't already one of each in my family (as well as a John).

Oh, and you know how I mentioned that a shark wouldn't need to eat that often?

Well, the same goes for most other animal-attack related movies.

Ones with swarms or packs of various creatures are the possible exception since there are that many more mouths to feed.

And the T-Rex from Jurassic Park works out alright, since it would normally feed on prey much larger than humans. But there weren't enough raptors to warrant killing so many people. Especially since they'd already been fed that day. Except for in Jurassic Park II, which had an entire field responsible for most of the deaths. There were also two T-Rexes, and many of the killings seemed vengeful for the capture of the baby (which, obviously, is complete speculation). And the third one made sense too.

So, overall, the Jurassic Park movies did a pretty good job. In that sense. I try to ignore the unlikely science of it all since I have no idea whether it's possible or not.

Let's see, anything else trite and unoriginal to add?

Nope, I think that's about it for now.



Anonymous said…
i heard about this... HAHAHA!!!!

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