Fending off Panic

I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to make my rent for next month.

$280 in a week and a half.

Even if I got a job now, I still wouldn't get paid till at least the week after it was due. And I'd have to be working a full time job to make enough, anyway.

Not to mention all the bills I have.

And I don't even have enough money to bail and go home. I have enough money to maybe, maybe, get halfway. Although, I don't have enough room in my car for all my stuff, anyway. And "I cna't pay my rent" might not be a good enough reason to get out of my lease.

So I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do.

If you have any ideas, let me know.

Life really sucks right now.


Anonymous said…
no ideas, i have the same prob!
i need food for just one more week, then im cool,
and i have all the bills to pay plus rent..WHILE IM OUT OF STATE!!
Yea, I was completely freaked when I left school that I'd have to move back home. But now, since I know it would only be till Aug. or Sep., it doesn't seem so bad.

Except for that "I knew this would happen, you should have listened to us" part.

Then there's always the possibilities that they'd say "no." With my parents, I'm stuck in this whole black-sheep good-child paradox.
Anonymous said…
( early) happy bday to me, happy bday to me...lol

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