Oh for Heaven's Sake!

It's space!!


No gravity except when you're near other objects.


You can go any bloody way you want!

So how could someone possibly set up a barricade?

No, really. How could they?

Because they certainly keep trying.

They did it on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I'm watching it right now.

They also tried it on Serenity (the movie version of Firefly).

And trust me, I hate to bring it up, because they got a lot of other things right on that show. What with the no sound in space and ships that weren't aero-dynamic (since, duh, there's no air).

But seriously, the Reavers are lingering in the space between the Serenity and Miranda, so they disguise the ship to sneak through?

And the Enterprise is trying to prove the Romulans are helping the Klingons, so they set up a blockade and pass tackeons between the ships to reveal any cloaked ships (I told you, I'm watching it right now), and it worked?


It's endless. It's, theoretically, circular.

It's like a freakin' Wonkavator!!!

You can just go "down" and then "over" and then back "up."


Come on people!!!!!!!!!!


It's just...come on!

I swear to God, one day I'm going to make a television show in space just so I can do it right.

No directions. No propulsion in space other than course corrections when they travel too close to a gravitational pull.

You get the idea.

But seriously, SPACE!


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