So I finally FINALLY got to see Sin City

And as predicted, I LOVED it. I knew I would. I told people when they asked me if I'd seen it. I would say "no." They would answer "oh it's really good." I'd answer "I know. I know I'll like it, I just haven't gotten the chance to see it."

They showed it on campus. So I even got to see it for free.

And also as predicted, Miho (the sword-chick) was my favorite.

But Kevin was also really freakin' sweet.

And he real was a freak, since he was a cannibal. It was nasty. But I'm sorry, his little sneaky, jumpy, martial arts stufff....


Really Awesome.

So I think I'd have to say Miho, Kevin, then a tie between Dwight and Marv.

Looking forward to the sequel.

Okay, now, some music recommendations:

"Nobody Move, Nobody Gets Hurt" by We Are Scientists.
"Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega/DNA
I rediscovered Fefe Dobson, so her.
And finally "Muscle Museum", "Dark Shines", and "Megalomania" all by Muse.



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