No One is Listening to You.

You are tracks so unwashable.
A reminder of so much pain.
But for your existence, I have only myself to blame.
Why must you scream so loud the world can hear?
Are secrets not secrets?
Betrayed by my heart.
My fingers.
Dancing with the music my ears have heard.
Shutting the door in my face.
Not letting me return until you are done.
Read this now.
The next issue in our damning publication.
We will tell your secrets.
We will stalk your steps.
Bidding our time until you make a mistake.
Your mocking is more vicious than I thought myself capable of.
Your malicious intent to share the truth.
My truth.
For me and me alone.
Mine to chose when it's shared.
If it's shared.
You think I can't hear you laughing?
Always in my head.
Circling in the background.
Through forgotten hallways.
Echoing off the walls.
You're just waiting for me to move.
You want me to come looking for you.
So that when I am gone you can step out again.
But I won't.
You can't make me.
With your bits of cheese you try and tempt me.
With your open doors you try and lure me.
This is my decision.
My choice.
You are not in charge and you have no rights.
You are what I make you, even if you made yourself.
You are forbidden.
Banned from this place.
Don't touch that.
It isn't yours.
Keep your hands to yourself and back off.
My space.
My life.
Go away.


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