I have come to a decision

While I am sometimes bummed that I don't have a guy in my life, as I would really like the companionship, I no longer mind.

Because, while there are many, many guys I find good-looking, and even a few I'm attracted to, it is rare (and lately rather unusual) that I find someone I'm actually interested in.

But I don't mind. Because I realize that I look for very specific qualities in men. And no, I'm not looking for Mr. Perfect, just a few specific qualities that need to be there. The details of the package are more or less unimportant, but the product has to match certain criteria.

And as of yet I have found very few of these people that match the requirements. Any of them. Let alone more than one.

One guy came close (and I think you probably know who you are. Unless you're one of my friends, in which case you know who I'm talking about), but in the end, it just didn't work. There were problems, on both sides (though more on his :razzberry:), and it wasn't meant to be.

So now I am content to watch and wait and observe and unless I'm overwhelmed by romance depression, I am okay with the fact that I have never gone on a date or had a boyfriend or had sex (what? I don't care if you know.).

I suppose the later is easy enough to take care of, but I am a firm believer that whether it's your first, last, or 400th, it should always mean something.

Not because of any religious beliefs, mind you, because I feel that as long as you're a) emotionally ready for the action, b) ready for the emotional fallout and/or physical consequences, c) ready for bearing the responsibilities of becoming an adult, d) don't become calloused to the fact that it's an important act in your life, then sex is okay.

But I think that the ability to choose when and where and with whom we have sex is one of the things that separates us from animals.

They can only choose based on genetics, we can choose on the metaphysical.

Okay, I'm at work and my shift is ending, so I'll continue this later. I have some stuff to discuss about God and my beliefs. Which really has little to do with this conversation other than that I keep meaning to write about it.



Anonymous said…
well it works

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