It has begun...










SHARK WEEK!!!!!!!!!!

I'm very happy.

It's the first time I've ever been living somewhere with cable when Shark Week has rolled around.

I'll give you time for your "what-the-fuck?" moment.

I gave you time for it because I know you're a little confused. You're trying to figure out why someone with Selachophobia (that's a phobia of sharks) would be so exited about Shark Week.

To be honest, I don't really get it either, but I actually like sharks. I like learning about them and I like watching them.

I think I really only have an issue (as far as movies) when I know that the whole point of the movie is for the shark to attack people. That seems to freak me out.

But I do like sharks. I think they're incredibly stupid, but they're certainly not evil. And it's never their fault when humans get attacked. We're walking into their territory, and no matter how much we think we know about them, we never really know what they're going to do. If we're going to continue exploring the ocean we're just going to have to learn how to protect ourselves, not "stop" the sharks.

That being said, holy shit do they scare the crap out of me.

All the knowledge that I have on the subject and I'm still terrified.

See kids, that's why it's a phobia and not just a fear.

The key point here is that my feelings towards sharks are irrational.

They really don't make a lot of sense and I can create astonishingly ridiculous justifications for my behavior.

Ask me about it some time and I'll explain it some more.

Now, I'm going to give you a piece of information that you could easily use against me. But after all the things I've done to people and all the sarcasm and jabs taken, I've decided it's only fair to give people an opportunity to have something on me.

So, if you ever want to get back at me for something: Make me watch Jaws straight through or Open Water.

And those, so far, are the only movies that will scare me (heck, I haven't even seen Open Water and I know it'll freak me out.)

Anyway, I'm going back to my tv.


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