Clocks with Thermometers

Are the worst invention ever.

You know why?

Because if you're stupid enough to buy one (and I didn't do it intentionally) then you're probably going to decide that the thermometer is quite the novelty and decide that in the summer it might be nice to know how hot it is in your apartment, so if you open your windows you can see if it's making your apartment hotter or colder.

But see, then you're stuck knowing how hot it is in your apartment.

Which isn't so bad when your apartment is 85 and Yahoo says Marquette is 90.

It makes you feel better.

However, inevitably, it comes back to bite you in the ass.

Because right now Marquette is 70. And my apartment?


And my bedroom?



Two fucking degrees hotter.

How the hell (no pun intended) does that happen??

It's like for some fucking reason my fucking room has developed it's own fucking climate.

And I'm really fucking found of the word "fuck" tonight. Or this morning.

Who the fuck cares.


And the week was ending so nicely (tempature-wise). At one point, I was actually wearing pants.

As opposed to shorts. Stop thinking dirty.


That's all you people think about.

Sex and people not wearing pants.

Dirty, dirty, dirty.

Well that seems a good place to end.



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