Tastes Like Strawberries.

Want to see a really disturbing picture? You know you do. You might hate me for it, but if you (more or less) have a sense of humor, you should find it pretty funny.


But funny.

(And I'm just putting these spaces here so you get a chance to read what I wrote before you look at the picture.)

Oh, and by the way, have you noticed that I've been posting fairly consistantly lately? I have, and frankly, I'm a little perplexed. But I think that I'm either content and am finally getting back in my writing mode.....or I don't have enough to do. Or that things are so off in my life that my ramblings are becoming more and more frequent.

Gee I hope it's the first one.

"Gee". Ha.

That's an amusing word. Like "jeepers" or "gee-whiz".

Or is it "jee-whiz"?

I'm not sure.

So I have plans for Friday but even as I made them I seemed convinced that I somehow already had plans. And it's starting to bug me because I still seem to be under that impression.

It's very strange.

So........I think I had something else to say.

Whatever. Enjoy the picture.

Oh and the title is from "Goldeneye". You know, the James Bond movie.

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Anonymous said…
that picture is gonna haunt my dreams tonight!!!

Anonymous said…
that picture is gonna haunt my dreams tonight!!!


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