The Dead Zone

I know a lot of it is the meds talking, specifically the meds failing that is talking, but I just feel so....dead.

I can't think of anything to do creatively. And when I do think of something, I don't have the motivation for it.

I open the internet browser and after responding to all the Arcade threads, I don't know how to spend my time.

I binge watch a show, and then can't stand it enough to finish it.

I switch genres, and then there isn't enough to fill the time.

I try to work and can't concentrate for more than 15 mins.

I have, roughly, a 12 hour day and I don't know how to spend the time. And then when the time is spent, I don't know what I've spent it doing.

I'm lost and alone and in the woods. It's snowing and it's cold, and I don't have the proper attire.

I'm abandoned and given up on and rejected.

I don't have a signal.

I'm looking for a sign.

All I see is the same old trees. And I've never been able to find my way out of this place.


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