I've decided, well sort of decided. Okay, I think that a good sign of a guy's genuine interest or potential as a relationship, or even a friend, is the interest they show in my writing.

Maybe that seems kind of selfish, to require someone to be interested in something I'm working on. But most people, even some friends of mine and especially my family, don't seem to realize or believe how serious I am about this.

I really am going to be an author. I'm really writing novels. Not just little stories to keep myself busy or English papers because I enjoy the work.

But actual full-blown, need to get published novels.

And I don't think a lot of people get that.

Now some friends, my really good friends. (like Ringo, S., AF., L., M., AM.). Those people are good enough friends, and I mean really good friends, that I don't require them to be interested. It's not important.

But I think that if a guy is going to be important enough to me or thinks I'm important enough to him, then I think he should realize what a big deal writing is. And the only way I know of to prove it, is to ask about it.

I think I'm making too big of a deal of this. Or putting too much pressure on it. Or too much importance. I think, as I just realize this now, that just like I don't require certain friends to show interest, I think that there will be certain guys that I won't require it of either. It will probably depend on the guy.

Now most of this is really coming off of one particular guy. And this guy might think it's coming up because I just saw him, but that's not true (and I don't lie about this stuff so don't try and convince yourself that I am). It came about because I was having a discussion with L. and it occurred to me (though I didn't mention it). So it didn't come about because of this guy so much as that it is particularly pertinent to this guy.

And it's pertinent to this guy because as close as we were, and as much as we shared (or would that be as much as I shared, since how much did you really say about yourself?), I don't think you ever once asked about my writing. Or wanted to see it. And I'm not sure I ever discussed it with you, never really brought it up.

Which kind of saddens me in the long run. It's so hard to find people who have an interest in it (and not just seeing it but actually interested in the material for its topics and not just that it's mine) and people that I can really discuss it with.

But don't worry, AF., you don't have to worry about me. I'll be alright. Things will work themselves out. They always do. I just have to be patient, just like I always am. I think having a blogpage simply allows me to worry about it out loud rather than just in my head where it's quiet and worries aren't quite as noticeable.

Man, my posts have been depressive lately. Is depressive a word? I don't know.

Anyway. That's it, so Later.

Today the part of "songs" will be replaced by items of note from the "Things Not To Do If You Ever Become An Evil Overlord" list. This replacement may be permanent. We'll see. There's a lot of them but I'm only going to put the ones I like. I can do that. It's my blog.

If I was an Evil Overlord, I would:

1. Be neither chivalrous nor sporting. If I have an unstoppable super-weapon, I will use it as often as possible instead of holding it in reserve.

2. Make it quite clear that I do know the meaning of the word "mercy"... I just choose not to show any.

3. Only employ assassins and bounty hunters that work for "the money". Those who work for "the thrill of the hunt" tend to do stupid things, like even the odds to give their victim a sporting chance.

4. Maintain plausible deniability at all times.

5. Not fly into a rage and kill a messenger who brings me bad news just to demonstrate how evil I am. Loyal service should be rewarded... Which is how it becomes "loyal" service in the first place. And besides, honest messengers are hard to come by when you are in the Evil Overlord business.


Anonymous said…
..." i do know the meaning of mercy, i just choose not to use it..."



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