So, I was very, very happy. Marvel was finally bringing back my favorite character. Betsy Braddock. Psylocke. She rocks, she really does.

And even though she was coming back in a comic that currently has rather sub-par (to use a nice phrase instead of "crappy" like I wanted to say........Oops) art (which would be the current Uncanny X-men title), I was still very, very, very happy.

Very happy.

BUT THEY FUCKED IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just went and read the whole issue. I'm very pissed about it. I get that Marvel seems to have some unexplainable obsession with Wolverine and gets the uncontrollable urge to put him in every title and in every issue, but they go to all the trouble of bringing Psylocke back and that what? They go back to WOLVERINE!!!

"Well here's this character that we senselessly killed off way back when just so that we could have Rogue kill him later, even though Psylocke could have taken him, and we'll put her on some pages and make her look Asian (finally, even though I hate the art for the Uncanny book), but then we're going to completely ignore her and go back to Wolverine, even though the only thing left to do with the character is make up stuff about his past because he's lived so freaking long. And by the way, we love him so much, we have to make him the main character in our movies and put him on every other cover of every one of our comics and then we're going to clone him but make it a girl so it's 'different', and then we'll make up some more stuff about him and try and give him more of a personality than is good for a nice killer like him."

It's very irritating.

Marvel, Just shut the hell up about Wolverine. You have a huge plethora of characters, can't you pick one of them to use?

Except Cyclops. He's irritating too. But for completely different reasons. Those reasons being he's a tight assed, brown-nosing, boy scout who couldn't get an ounce of personality if he got in line for it so far ahead of opening day that he beat the guy who's currently in line for Star Wars.

Yeah, I realize that it was kind of a bad ending to a good insult but I just really wanted to work in that there's already someone in line for that stupid movie.

And it's only really that stupid because George Lucas is. He really needs to stop tweaking the originals. He also needs to release the originals on DVD since as of yet he's only released the special edition ones. Also, the "new" Star Wars movies, Episodes 1-3, should have be done using the old-style graphics and effects like the originals were. Do you know how much better that would have been.

So if you've gotten this far, you've probably realize that I am a complete geek. No, no, it's not an insult. Trust me, it's very true.

Now, since you know I'm a geek, you're probably thinking or wondering if I like Lord of the Rings or what I thought of the movies. Or maybe you weren't thinking that. But you are now.

So, my opinion? They're good books. Brilliant, really, when you thin about the technicalities of it. Generating the entire history and language of all the different characters takes a lot of work and a lot of creative intelligence. Trust me, I know these things.
Tolken was also responsible for revolutionizing the Fantasy genre.

But honestly, the books weren't terribly interesting to me. The movies were better than the books, but I think it was just because they were generated to be more exciting. Speaking for the first book, it was terribly boring. The one part I really did like about it was completely cut out of the movie, being the part where the hobbits run into a sorcerer-like hermit (as opposed to a hermit-like sorcerer) in the woods. That was a great part. The second book I really liked. It was really good. The third one....well, half the third one was just the anthologies and appendixes. And the other half....really boring. But better than the first book. Are they the best books ever? No. Are they great? Maybe, on different levels. Did I love them? No, not so much.

The movies...well, I think they took a lot away from the books. I think they could have been a lot better in a lot of ways. But in comparison to most other movies based on books, Jackson did an excellent job in staying true to the originals.

And Orlando Bloom is hot.

Now since I've already talked about one big Fantasy book-to-movie, I suppose I should discuss another one.

I know, you're thinking "please god don't let her say it. Don't let her mention the biggest trend since Beanie Babies".

It's okay. It won't be painful, I promise, but it does need mentioned.

Harry Potter.

I'll give you a moment to stop screaming.

Now, while I think Harry Potter is good, and I especially love how it's gotten kids to read, I don't think it is deserving of all the hype. They're good. They aren't anywhere near great. They're just: decent. Good reads, fun. But I don't get what the big deal is. (and yes, I've read them all.)

Well, I can't think of any other geek things to talk about. I mean, I could, if I tried, but I'm gonna go cook something so I'm not going to bother.


Oh, did you notice my new and very long bio? I thought it was clever. It was supposed to be amusing in a satirical sort of way. It's amusing right?



"Lover I Don't Have To Love" Bright Eyes
"Only U" Ashanti
"Over And Over" Nelly ft.. Tim McGraw (not because it's a great song or anything, I just like that it's a Rap/R&B and Country mix. It reminds me of that great iPod commercial where they're line dancing to the the Rap song. It's a great commercial. You should watch it.)

And finally, oh wait, that was the last one.

Sorry. That's all. Better things to do (stop laughing). First week of classes and all so I had to get up early (stop laughing) and go to all of them (I said STOP LAUGHING)

Geez you're mean. Now I really am leaving.



Anonymous said…
all i hafta say my livejournal,(i updated it) and ...


the one and only (true) ringo

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