The Swaying Lantern

Can you give me a word that will hold me close?
Can you give me a light for the darkness?
A lamp for the path?
Can you keep the ghosts away with the tone of your voice?
Can you raise your glass and toast me?
Can you mean it?

I want them to love me
I want them to dance around me
Build effigies
I want them to touch me and marvel that I am real
I want to be the center of a world other than my own.

Love me with abandon
I am on my knees and pleading
For a touch a simple touch
Contact, tangible proof
That I matter
Even if only to one other than me

I want them to see me
Standing, at the top of a staircase
I want the music to stop
(just for a moment
just for one moment)
I want them to see me
And then they can forget me

I want to jump
Because none of it matters
I want to find new words
Shining words
For the same feelings
I want to find new feelings

I want them to see meLike a shadow in the mirror


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