Ianthe Pursues Iphis

My blood has turned to bone
And my arms sit stiff
My feet have taken root
Grown deep to some hellish warmth lying beneath the dirt
To walk is to sever a limb
Yet still I take that step
Still I walk towards a shadow that stretches along the horizon
Master of the Vanishing Point
Lingering on the edge of the world with a smile and an outstretched hand
Once it seemed like such a warm invitation
Once it seemed like salvation
Now you mock me that I cannot move

You beckoned me
With that grin that melts the ice
That beacon in the fog
That treacherous will-o’-the-wisp
And so gladly do I come
Step by step
Before my feet grew
That herculean gleam in your eyes
That grin
That Adonis grin that screams like a siren’s call

Onward to my destruction
The journey of a thousand hearts
All beating within my chest

I walk the earth for you
I crawl for you

The dream that you’ve become is my food
You are my oxygen
You are Orion gleaming in the sky
Your light my life

What does this pain matter
When still I can see your face
What does this poison mean
When I know your touch can cure me
For a moment I hated you
But what is that moment now

Where is my belt
My girdle that I may make you submit
That I may prove my surrender
Where are my golden apples
That I may give you immortality
That I may make you never die
I am the Echo to your voice
I will follow always
Faithfully repeating all you say

My daffodil
How could I not love you
Where you lead I follow
Until I cannot follow

Never do I hesitate
Never do your footsteps fade before I reach them
Lead me to the temple
Where the mother will give us what we wish

Like Hymenaios I pursue
I will bind my hair and my breasts and follow
To fields of battle and I will bear your shield
I will carry your banner
I will strike down your foes
My bloody hands will prove my love
As you have done I will too
Where I cannot go I will go
Through clouds of deception I follow
The words of our fathers to fall on deaf ears

My sweet Philemon
As you pursued I pursue
I see you there
At the ends of the earth
Orpheus calling me home
I have learned Eurydice’s lesson
And never will I turn away
What threat death
What crime love

My shining Apollo
You are a halo of sun
Forever will I follow your smile
Onward to my destruction


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