Cold & Naked but for this towel.

Ok, I realize you've had a rough past 24 hours.

But I would like a little more recognition than a thumbs up. I mean, you could be agreeing with me or you could just be acknowledging the fact that you hear a noise your brain has distinguished as "talking" or for all I know, you're simply telling the guards to call off the lions because you've decided to let me live.

Either way, an "ok" or "sure" would have been much more polite and appropriate.

Oh but you've been up and blah, blah, blah. I really don't feel like rattling off your excuses.

The point is, normal humans beings, when feeling less than vocal, social, or personable, FAKE IT!

You're not the center of the world. (Kalysa is :)

So you don't get to always just act the way you want. Would you do it at a job? Would you be allowed to be a bitch to customers?

Not for long.

So why don't you adopt that policy, even in limited occurrences, with others? As opposed to the "ever" course you follow now.

And you know what?

One of these days you're going to run out of excuses why you're acting like a bitch.

And all you'll be left with is the fact that you've become a bitch.

I don't know what the bitch-equivalent is of waking up naked in a cornfield and realizing you might be an alcoholic. But I'm guessing that's what it will take to make you recognize things in yourself.

And while it's been fun, Scrooge, I think we have been living together for too long and it's definitely time to go our separate ways.

I will always be your friend. I will always be one of your best friends. And you will always be one of mine.

But I think it's best that when the Marleys and ghosts of bitchiness past come to visit, you be alone.

In the hopes that you'll recognize it before the universe takes drastic measures, a few tips: your stuff isn't better because it's your stuff. Other people's stuff isn't less because it's not yours or because it didn't cost as much. Being a cock-tease is nothing to be proud of.

And Matt was not your fault.

It was his, and don't be convinced otherwise.


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