Look ------>>>>

I changed some stuff. I moved The Quote of the Day. It used to be \/\/\/\/ at the bottom of the page. But I don't think anyone realized it. I often forgot and I'm the one who put it there. Then I moved it, a week or so ago, to the bottom of the quotes section. But I still didn't look at it. So I moved it above my profile. Now I'll actually read it.

And speaking of my profile, I changed it.

The current difference between my bedroom and my living room?

6 Degrees.

Nice, huh?

For some reason, I have been exceedingly tired this week.

But on the plus side, I cleaned my room, sorted my papers, wrote Ringo a letter, and took care of some other stuff that was necessary.

Tomorrow I need to donate plasma and call maintenance.

Have a picture.

And some artist recommendations.
FeFe Dobson & Lacuna Coil.

Maybe later this weekend I'll put up some of my writing.

Maybe later this weekend I'll actually work on my writing.


Anonymous said…
please do post some of your work!
i got the letter, wonderful, and i wrote back with a surprise in it.
i do not remember wich i got on the quiz(it was a while ago) i will go back on and do it again, i think it was earth or someithing, and i updated my livejournal.
Anonymous said…
oh... and just for the heck of it..

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