You may have noticed (but probably not)...

That I haven't posted in a while.


Well, not really.

My internet was down.

I think I have it all straightened out, but I'm not sure as I'm on the computer in the library.

And really, I'm only posting now because I'm stalling for time until 2:30 when I have something to do.

You hear that? I'm just using you to waste time. Doesn't that make you feel proud?

I hope so.

To make you feel a little bit better, I did actually have some things I wanted to post. But now I can't think of them. So you're just getting this rambling crap about how I can't remember what I was going to put.

Hmm, I think that might have made you feel better and worse at the same time.

Not my fault.

Oh, wait, I guess it is my fault, huh?

Oh well.

Hey, good news. I'm going home on Wednesday!!

Only TWO WEEKS behind schedule but whatever, I'm going home. I'm very happy about that.

Which reminds me, I have to call Ringo and let her know.

Man, that's bugging me. I know there was something I wanted to say. A rant about something. And, as usual, it was probably amusing, informative, and completely unnecessary.

But now I can't think of it.

So maybe I'll come up with it later.

I think that's all for now.

I spent a week listening to showtunes, so I guess I'm recommending them.
"lonely No More" by Rob Thomas

OH OH OH!!!!
I remembered something.

It was about Rob Thomas.

Okay, so I like his new song. And I like the video with the flipping furniture and what not.

But there is no excuse for his dancing.

The man CANNOT dance.

He does this stiff legged hip-twirling and every time I see it I laugh, then after about three seconds, I can't stomach it any more and either change the channel or watch with my eyes closed.

The dancing is just horrendous.

Really and Truly.

And no matter what the fashion trend tried to tell us, having a chain on your pants never looked anything but stupid.

Well, that was it.



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