Won't you be my neighbor?

My downstairs neighbor is a dreadful parker (as in cars and parking).

She always parks right on top of the passenger side line.

It's really annoying because if I ever take a spot on the right of her, I have to park way over. I can't even park close to her to prove a point, because then I can't get out.

Now, I've only noticed it a few times, so I thought maybe she just happened to park that way a few times.

But today, since I'm assuming she's moving out for (at least) the summer, her father pulled in ahead of her.

And parked right on top of the passenger side line.

And as she pulled in behind her, she stopped because she noticed that he was parked way over. And he had to wave her in and she had to back up, because she was going to pull in past him (i.e. the other side of me).

So, it must be a genetic thing.

Or a family tradition of bad parking.



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