The Ants go marching four by four.....hoorah, hoorah

Spring has come once again to Marquette.

And with spring, I give you the task of creating a metaphor between the previously mentioned season and the eclectic nature of the post I am making.

And I leave it to you simply because if you're doing it, I don't have to.

I'm nice like that.

Now, on to the meat of the material.

As I make this post, at 9:30 in the morning, I have had the chance to discover a few of the bonuses to being up and about at such a ludicrous hour.

1. I really like being outside in the morning. I simply don't like when I have to get up in it.

2. When you have breakfast at an appropriate hour for breakfast, the cinnamon rolls at the Wildcat Den are much, much fresher and thereby: Better.

3. Biscuits and Sausage Gravy just plain Rocks.

4. Do you have any idea how amusing it is that when you, the night owl, are leaving, your roommate, the morning person, is lying down to take a nap?

A: Incredibly.

However, so you don't start thinking that I've suddenly switched sides on all of my faithful nighttime co-conspirators, I also have a list of downsides.

Those being:

1. When you're up all night and then stay up all day, you tend to do things like take very uncomfortable naps at and underneath desks in the library.

2. Biscuits and Cinnamon rolls are nice, but Burgers and Fries are better.

3. When you start your day earlier, it generally means it's going to be longer. And if you don't have a lot to do, that means a lot of time spent being very, very bored. That's why I sleep so much over Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks, it makes the days shorter and hence less boring.

4. No matter how early you go to bed, even if you end up doubling your actual sleeping time, sleeping in is always, always, going to feel better.

Now, having dealt with the "morning" issue, let's deal with the Spring thing.

1. It's very depressing that enormous snow banks that completely blocked our line of sight all winter have become so covered in dirt that you're not surprised they're still there. You tend to forget that under that layer of brown, there's snow. I'm surprised they don't exist all year round.

2. As nice as it is, I still estimate that we have another snowfall coming. Nothing big or major, nothing that will even stick around, but I still think there's a final cold front waiting in the wings to spring on us the moment we break out the sandals, shorts, and sundresses.

3. I actually, for less than two minutes, wished that I had an outdoor clothesline. there's just something about the sight of brightly colored sheets snapping in the wind that is just incredibly soothing. Plus it makes them smell really good.

4. Spring means that I increasingly avoid looking at my calendar. Because the more I look at it, the more I will have to acknowledge how little time is left in the year. And frankly, I refuse to do that until much, much later than now. I'm not even going to say how much or little time is left in the year because that would be thinking about it too much. My rule for Fall semester, where finals can't be talked about until after Thanksgiving break, doesn't apply to Spring Semester and Spring Break. Mostly because Spring break comes sooner than Thanksgiving break, but that's not really the point, now is it? I simply don't want to think about it. It's just too sad.

To keep the symmetry of things, I'm going to stop at four. I could probably come up with some more things to say, but why bother when I can stop now without stressing it and still keep the repeated format?

Though, since I've had four items three times, I guess I should come up with four more to carry the imagery even further.

1. When you don't drink pop very often, because you drink mainly water, having a glass is kind of like a former smoker deciding that just one couldn't hurt. Everything around you, by comparison, just doesn't seem as great and the Lay's slogan of "bet you can't eat just one" seems to make an unbelievable amount of sense.

2. Never make more than two pieces of cinnamon, sugar, and butter toast at a time. Make more later if you want it, but you'll never want three if that's what you make the first time around.

3. When you know you just stayed up all night, and are generally a night person, you feel strangely superior around morning people. Like, they want to be up this early or they're always up this early, yet they're still just as sleepy as if they were a night person forced to get up. While you, the night owl who was up all night, are cheery and vaguely chipper and completely awake. Also, you feel taller. (I know it sounds strange, but try it sometime, you'll understand.)

4. In an almost reverse of being an addict, when you're a big reader who, for whatever reason, have more or less stopped, getting started again is the hardest thing you'll ever do (relatively speaking as I doubt it's harder than quite a number of things, that's why you have to know what Einstein was talking about in order to understand what I'm talking about.)

Well, I guess that's all for me for now. I have to come up with a title now, and change my time stamp to reflect when this is being published as opposed to when it was started (it makes it seem, to me, to be a more accurate assessment of how I spend my time.)

So I leave you with a few song choices:

"Karma" By Alicia Keys.
"My TV And Me" By VAST
"Wolves" By Switchblade Symphony
"Maybe" By Emma Bunton (yes, that is the former Baby Spice. Trust me, it's a good song)

sidebar: Notice how there were four songs? Clever, huh? (also, vaguely intentional)

And finally, a few quotes. Naturally, there will be four:

"Three o'clock is too late or too early for anything you want to do." ~Jean-Paul Satre (mine addition: so is 9am.)

"Inspiration is wonderful when it happens, but the writer must develop an approach for the rest of the time......the wait is simply too long." ~Leonard Bernstein.

In answer to 'they say you can't be killed.'
"Well I wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would I?" ~Achilles via Troy.

And finally, in reference to the best cameo ever to occur in a movie:

"Fuck Chuck Norris." ~White Goodman via Dodgeball.

Checking out, see ya later.


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