I should learn not to post in the middle of the morning.

I'm in such a crappy mood. I've been sleeping lousy. I've been having dreams that, frankly, are disturbing. Not to mention that if I stop to think about it, their meanings are dreadfully obvious. And there's some financial stuff. And I might be changing my major to English...which I'll probably get flack for from my parents. And my grandparents. And my roommate (that's mostly her saying I should have done it sooner.). And possibly even my aunt who never gives me flack on anything.

Also, a certain friendship, that I don't want to specify too much, is slowly beginning to unravel. It was bound to happen, but it's still very sad.

Crappy, crappy, crappy.

But hey, at least tomorrow night (as in Friday), is Sci-Fi Friday. so I'll at least have some nice distracting tv to watch.

But what is one of my posts with out something strange and unusual?

Well, probably the same thing it is every other time I post.

But as I sit here staring at my Catwoman figurine (nothing to do with that damned movie, cause you know how I feel about that), my Gambit action figure, a Legolas one with working bow and arrow (it's actually pretty cool), a Dark Rider (cause they're awesome looking and also I don't remember their "technical" name), and another one from Yu-gi-oh.

Okay, it's a stupid show, but come on, some of the little monster-card-creature-things are sweet looking.

And I realize that the sentence about my complete geek-ness was a very poor sentence because it had no point and wasn't finished.

So you'd think, as a writer, I'd be able to do better. Well I can, but I got a little distracted explaining why I had a Yu-gi-oh action figure. (not doll, jerk)

sidebar: I need to empty my garbage.

Anyway. I have to finish that sentence.


But as I sit here staring at my Catwoman figurine, my Gambit action figure, a Legolas one with working bow and arrow, a Dark Rider, and another one from Yu-gi-oh, I find myself pondering something that has absolutely nothing to do with anything I've mentioned previously in this post.

A guy.

One guy in particular.

The only guy I've ever talked about on this blog. And though you (meaning almost everyone but the actual guy) probably don't even know who he is, you've certainly read about him.

What to do, what to do.

I do, but I don't.

He is, but he isn't.

And because he "technically" is, do I want to? Despite that he perhaps "practically" isn't, so I probably don't.

It's such a pain in the ass.

And you know, school sucks.

And my throat hurts. And eating that popcorn was a really bad idea because now my hands feel all oily.

Ahh plllllll. (that, by the way, was a razzberry and a sigh at the same time. it's hard to explain, but it's very effective.)

You know, I almost wish I was in the army, just so I could practice sneaking around and shooting people.

I'm a strange bird. I'm practically a (dare I say?) DOUBLE-HAWK!!!!!!

Ha. Dimitri Martin.

Good stuff.

Grapes. The fruit of hope.

And with that, bye.


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