So time for something new. I'm not bored, sick, tired, grumpy, or mad at anyone. Also, my head doesn't hurt.

First: A few shout-outs:

Andrea/Ringo: Luv you!!!! I'll be home (hopefully) in less than a month. Can't Wait!!!!!!
Beth/John: We defintely need to hang out more, I haven't seen you since, what? August?
Mike: Don't worry, I'm not mad at you any more. And sorry for always ranting about our professor...but he really is an asshole.
Megan: YAYYAYYAYYAY!!!!! All hail the new Meyland RA!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for/proud of you.
Amateur Scientist: I hope all your scripting is going well for you, I know you're really excited about that.
Anyone else: As you know, I have a horrible memory, so if you look here and I've forgotten you: sorry, it happens....a lot.

Okay, now that that's done, what else is on the agenda. Oh right. Take my Quiz:

If you do take it, do it under a name I would recognize so I can see who's done it.

Now what?....let's see....Oh, I got some more Evanescence, happy about that.

Some bands I highly recommend:
Smile Empty Soul
Lostprophets (their new album, NOT their old one. just trust me, there's a huge difference in sound and style)
Finger Eleven
Fefe Dobson
Cat Power
Phantom Planet
and Maroon 5

That's all the bands I can think of right now.

Go see "The Punisher" movie. And buy the soundtrack. Both should be really really really awesome. I just wish I had money so I could do it.

Anything else?

Oh, if you've never seen Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail or Life of Brian, than go do so immediately. What's wrong with you people? Those are classics. I mena, my parents were strict (and I mean strict) about movies, but even I've seen them.

I think that's about it. Sorry you didn't get anything of substance today but I'm pretty ranted out and not really emotional enough about anything to take in Shakespearian Old English.

This is all you're getting for now.

I will leave you with a "semi" profound thought, though:
If you throw a cat out a car window, does it become kitty litter?



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