Boys are weird. Just thought I'd say that and get it out of the way.
Also, today's post is going to be rather scatter-brained.
Hi Mike.
I like Eminem. He's funny.
Anime rocks.
British comedies are hilarious.
Did I spell "hilarious" right?
I don't know. I don't care.
I don't want to go to class.
But I have to.
I don't want to think of three questions to ask the guest speaker.
But I have to.
Why did I want to come to college again?
Oh right, so I can have a life afterwards.
I hate school.
In a perfect world, I think I would do nothing but sleep.
Sleep is good.
Sleep is like a nose dive in a fighter jet. It's really hard to pull out of.
I'm bored.
I'm lonely...but that's a different story...sort of.
I think I'm going to fire my therapist. Well, I can't fire her since I don't pay her, but I think I'm going to stop seeing her. She doesn't seem to be helping me very much. So far all I've learned is things I already know. And she keeps saying that the reason I do things isn't important, it's more important to identify the behavior and change it. How am I supposed to change it if I don't know why I do it?
Therapists are stupid. Wait a minute.......I'm going to be a therapist. I wonder if they brainwash you at the end of your schooling. I hope that's the reason all these people are morons. I certainly hope it isn't because they all conform. I don't want to conform. I'm just in it for the money...what? It's hard to make a living off of being an author.
I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm just rambling on and on. I'm not even looking at the keyboard anymore. I'm just typing. when i need to i backspace but as you can see i suddenly gave up on grammar grammar doesn't bother me too much but it drives me crazy when words are spelled wrong i don't know why it just does my periods went away i bet this is hard to read and understand because you have no way of knowing what sentance is ending where or when a new sentance starts did i mention i don't want to go to class i bet i could skip since it is just a guest speaker however the professor seemed to think he was special or good or something i don't know i don't want to go i hate that class i hate most of my classes except my english classes i like my english classes because english is fun however it's hard to get a psychology degree with nothing but english credits now i know what you're thinking why don't i just become an english major yeah sure and do what exactly teach english i don't like school why would i want to go back as a teacher i told you i'm in psych. for the money it's to finance my writing career of course i could just marry rich but how often does that happen

Okay I'm done. I'm gonna go lay down and stare at my clock.


Oh, listen to "Last Train Home" by Lostprophets (one word)

And watch "Touching Evil", Fridays @ 10pm on USA. Jeffrey Dobson is hot.


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