Well, I haven't posted anything for a while so I figured I'd throw you a bone. First: Yes, I did get trashed again. It was a lot of fun. Keith, sorry I was so mean to you. I don't normally make fun of people...when I'm drunk anyway. When I'm sober I do it all the time. But anyway, sorry, not that you'll ever see it but it's the thought that counts. And actually, you should consider yourself very lucky. I *almost* never apologize. I feel that it only reminds people why they're angry and simply confirms the fact that they have something to be mad at you for. Don't worry, though, I'm sure this policy will change when I get married. Though I still doubt that I'm going to actually be sorry as opposed to just saying it. I was built without the gene for guilt.

Anyway, I said "first" so I'm assuming I have a "second". Give me a minute to figure out what it was...
That wasn't a minute, but I figured out what it was, so it doesn't matter.
Second: John and Ringo, get off your asses and call me once in a while. Or even just get online and talk to me. John, I never even got to see you over break, so stop scratching your butt and start communicating (wash you hands first). And Ringo, you never called me. You said you were gonna call and didn't (not that I'm really that surprised, it is you after all, but I still get to be mad at you.)

So that was two. I think I have a few more but it will take me a while to work them out into coherent sentences.

Oh, the 100th episode of Angel last night was a GREAT one. Absolutely hilarious. Wish I could watch it again. Then I could tell you some of the funny parts, but I don't remember them right now, so you're out of luck.

Ow, ow, ow. My leg fell asleep, gimme a minute.

That's better. So what was I talking about? Oh right, nothing.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I leave you with one last paragraph that's me trying to say goodbye.

Hmm...my music recommendation for the day (or week depending on when I bring up another one) is: Fefe Dobson. I think I've mentioned her before because when I wrote her name in this font I got a vague sense of deja-vu. Course I get deja-vu about seven times a day. But that doesn't make it any less real.

Moving on. My quote: "Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do." - Jean-Paul Sartre

which is funny, because it's almost 3:00 too. (my time-stamp is or was wrong, so trust me)

And my weird/random thought to close it all up: Have you ever grouped your professors into categories of "those you'd sleep with" and "those you wouldn't"? Yeah, I was pretty sure it was just me on that one.

And I'm spent. (haha, Austin Powers and Will & Grace tie in)


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