Okay, so it's Spring Break here at Northern Michigan University. Pretty much everyone on campus is gone. However, there are still a few people lingering around. I would be one of those people. And lately, things have been very strange.

To know just how strange, we have to go back to Sunday night, well technically Monday morning. Anyway, to make things relatively short, I didn't get any sleep. I tried, believe me I tried. But it didn't work so well. And it wasn't one of those things where I got a few hours of restless, tossing-and-turning sleep. No I litteratly didn't get any sleep. Then Monday turned out to be a bad day. I don't remember why exactly, but I do remember it was bad. Tuesday was really good, though. Tuesday was a great day...though again, I don't remember why exactly. Wednesday was weird. Thursday was great.

So of course, it stood to reason that Friday would SUCK. And it did. And I even predicted it. Just ask Andrea.

Once again, I found myself unable to sleep. Then I actually went to my morning class, which I never go to, only to find out that it was cancelled for the day. Go figure. Now I had nothing to do for the next two hours (instead of just one) until my meeting.
Jump ahead to approx. 3:00. I decided to take a nap before dinner. I was really tired and had nothing bettter to do anyway. So I took a nap. It was a nice nap. But it ended with one of the freakist dreams I have ever had. There was a guy peeling faces off of people and making them glow blue. There were decapitated bodies that people thought might still be alive. There was a freaky red and white Chuck E. Cheese parody that me and my best friend (and I mean best friend as in Andrea, not some weird made-up friend, although Andrea didn't actually look like Andrea. But I still knew it was her. Where was I?). Right so we were working at this resturant and had been given the job as my reward for trying to stop the face-peeling guy. Not a very good reward, although me and Andrea didn't actually have to do anything at this job. But there were a lot of people get mad at us anyway.
So right after that, the dream skips. Now it's me and Andrea in a car.I' m driving and I go to make a left turn through a light (I had a green arrow), when this delivery truck comes barrelling down the road and crashes into us. Andrea dies. And this dream happens not once, but about five times. All in different settings. In one we were in space, in another we were in floating cars above the road, (I don't remember the other two but they fit introveniously between the others, kind of like a "driving through the times" program.) and in the last one we were actually at an intersection by my house. And all but the last one were in the cars from The Fifth Element.
At this point, I'm partially awake. I realize what's happening and I try to change it. So the five crashes play again. This time, when I see the truck coming, I spin the car so we get hit on the driver's side. But even though now I'm the one getting hit, Andrea still dies.

As you might imagine, I woke up right after this and was completely freaked out. I called Andrea to make sure she was still alive. She was but I was still very freaked and feeling completely appocalyptic.

And... you know what? i'm tired of typing. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Just so you know part of what's going on, I got completely wasted and freaked out over a guy. I mean really freaked out. I only had four shots (bacardi 151) and a mike's hard lemonade. I've had more than that, I've had about twice that, and never wigged out like I did last night. I made an ass of myself (something else I don't normally do, drunk or sober). Steve, Carrie, Jason, Ashley, and Chris will probably never speak to me again....although, with the exception of Jason, none of them even knew me before last night.

Last night sucked. I knew it was going to. I said it was going to. I should have stayed in my room. None of this would have ever happened if I hadn't taken my garbage out.

Now I'm depressed.



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