WAIT!!!!! Before you rush away in a hurry, I want you to know that this is NOT an anti-Valentine's Day post. As this stage in my life, yes I am anti-valentines, but I am not going to subject you to these opinions on a day that you, my loyal TV viewer, might enjoy.

So to start things off on a high note: Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!

Just because I don't like it doesn't mean that you don't have to. And yes, that "happy v.day" was sincere. While I personally may not enjoy the day, it doesn't mean that I can't wish happiness for someone else.

Now, back to work.

The first order of business, although not actually said first, is to say: Well, I haven't posted anything in a while, so I figured I should.
I wouldn't want to break tradition but not pointing out the obvious that there has been nothing new on this blog for over a week.

Okay, with that out of the way I can now put something of substance on here.
And stop laughing. I said "substance", I didn't say what kind. So nah! *sticks out tongue*

Okay, starting with last Thursday, what's happened?

Umm...I didn't get drunk last weekend. Sunday morning I got too much sleep and couldn't sleep Monday night. Then I went to bed Monday and got too much sleep and missed all my classes....no, I only missed one.....Tuesday I missed....Ah Hell. I Don't Remember. Anyway, bottom line is that on any given night this week, I either got too much sleep or too little and now my whole schedule is messed up. Not to mention that I was sick, which wasn't fun. So sleepwise, this whole week sucked!

So what else?
Oh, I had a paper due Monday, which I did. Naturally, it was brilliant. We did some peer review where everyone told me what I already knew: it was fine how it was. The only suggestions I got were either ones I already thought of myself, or stupid. So I have to do the final draft for that for Monday. I might do it tonight, but I'm leaning heavily towards a Valentine's Day Trashing. That sounds like fun.

What else happened? Oh, I started going to counseling. But I'm not really gonna talk about that...mostly because I don't feel like it. Plus it's none of your business...and nothing I say will really have any bearing on anything, anyway.
It's going well though. Sometimes I want to laugh in the therapist's face, but that's just a defensive reaction to not wanting to share my feelings.
Yes, I have feelings. They're typically negative ones, or very, very faint, but they are there.

Anyway, back to something more interesting.
Okay, I admit it. What I'm going to say next is probably not more interesting, but whatever. I didn't make one of these blogs to please you. For the most part, there is no "you". It's just a couple friends who glance at it every once in while and a few random people that know "of" me and have too much time on their hands.
Yes, I'm talking to you: Osirus, AmateurScientist, and Kaley.

Now I'm severely off topic...hmm, was I ever on topic? Now, that's an interesting question. If we consider the possibility that.............whoa, never mind. Topic for another time. No doubt the endorphines of "love and peace", to quote Vash The Stampede, are clouding your mind. I question whether you'd really be able to handle anything philosophical.

So where was I? V-day, sleep, paper, therapist, intermittent rambling......Oh right, I was going to bring up...
hang on, I lost it.
you know, these dots really aren't necessary. I could just stop typing and pretend that I never forgot what I was going to say, but as Megan tells me "I'm not mean, I'm honest". Okay, actually I'm both but a discussion for another time. Back to the dots and the thinking.
I think the dots are just more distracting. Why have I been listening to Britney Spears all week? (don't panic, it wasn't all Britney, just a few songs mixed in)
Now I'm completely lost. Hang on. I have to think. (stop laughing...I mean it...Don't make me come over there!! I'm crazy, not stupid.)
Now I remember. Last night I went to the Vagina Monologues. They were actually really good. Good actresses, good parts. There were a few that were kinda dumb but most were really, really good. The opening act was sooooo funny. They were this "band" called Barefoot & Mukkluked, or something like that. Man. It was so funny. They couldn't sing, well at least one (out of four) couldn't. Two of'em barely sang, thank god (they were bad). And the only decent singer hardly got to do so. Their songs were obnoxious. They were this folksy, woman-power, hippy group. They seriously looked like they had just jumped out of the 60s, marijuana and all. They were so obnoxious, though, that they would have been booed off-stage of the original Woodstock, the one that was all about that kind of music. At any of the later 'Stocks, they never would have made it past the gate. Oh, but the last song they did was the best, for sheer entertainment value not because of the song or any apparent talent. The chick-who-couldn't-sing was the "leader" and she gets on the mike and says "this last one is one of our favorites because it's so much fun to play and it's so appropriate for what we're talking about tonight". Wait, so the five songs before it weren't about woman power too? Anyway, then she starts playing the flute.....badly. The whole song is her badly playing the flute (you can actually hear her as she gasps for breath after every note).The other three people are just standing there (oh, one of them's tapping a rhythm on a drum) while she does everything. I'm thinking "oh yeah, this is a favorite of the group, seeing as how the rest of them get to do sooooo much" and right as I'm thinking this, the chick-who-could-actually-hold-a-real-note rolls her eyes and turns her head away from the rest of them. I Almost DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was so fucking hilarious. Oh, god. It was so hard not to laugh. oh, man, it was great.

Ah, fun stuff. Anyway, I have to go eat soon so I'd better get started on my good-bye.

I'll keep it "short" today. Got something off of e-bay: It's the complete set of the comic book Sovereign Seven. Took me forever to find it. It was published, briefly, back in '95. I found it by reading a trade-paperback of the first couple issues at my library and I've been looking for the rest ever since. Very happy about that, can't wait till it gets here.

So that's all. No, really that's it. I told you I was gonna keep it short (okay, so I admit, I didn't think I could pull it off either)

As always, e-mail me at dragonsdarkchild@yahoo.com



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