Okay, so I'm watching He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, the new one not the old one. It's a slightly better version, but it's still kinda dorky.
Anyway, every time Prince Adam calls upon "the power of Greyskull" to transform into He-man, the sky gets cloudy and there's localized bolts of lightning. Haven't the bad guys figured out by now that everytime there's lightning like that He-man shows up? I mean really, it's not that difficult.
And you can't use the excuse: "oh well, that doesn't actually happen, it's just animation to show the intense power of the transformation." That just doens't hold water, because on one episode, Prince Adam had fallen down this chasm. Well, he transformed into He-man and they showed top of the chasm as a bolt of lightning went down. So, see, the lightning is real and the bad guys are morons if they haven't figured it out yet.

Okay, that's all for now, but since Justice League is coming up next, I'll probably have more to say.

I HATE it when they screw up cartoons. (and yes, I do know it's a little pathetic that I care about TV this much, but you're opinion doesn't matter to me that much, so I'm not worried)


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