I posted this on a forum thread known as "Ask Jakester". Basically, you ask a guy questions and he gives you "answers". I thought what I wrote was funny, not to mention that it's actually (kinda) true.

In an episode of Batman Adventures, Scarecrow puts Batman in a dream world. When he escapes, Batman claims he knew it was fake because dreaming comes from one portion of the brain and reading from the other, so when he couldn't read the newspapers or books, he knew it was fake. Why does Batman lie? I can read in my dreams all the time.
And in another episode, Batman is in a smoke filled room and he confuses his enemy by "throwing his voice". Does he realize that you don't actually throw your voice? Does he know that ventriloquism is merely an optical illusion that uses the concept of making it appears as though the voice is coming from an alternate source because your mind automatically associates the voice with the image that it appears to be coming from, which is why when you watch television it seems like the voices are coming from the actual people instead of the speakers? Is it possible that Batman understood the harmonics for the room and was thereby able to have his voice echo and seem as though it was coming from somewhere else?
Did you know that Batman Adventures was a hotbed for scientific mis-truths? Why does Batman lie to little children knowing that they will grow up to discover the truth, therefore traumatizing them by making their hero appear worthless and destroying any sense of structure that they might have gained from it because their parents were too busy paying attention to their older brothers and completely ignoring their youngest child, thereby failing to establish any positive connections that they could use later on when the child became corrupt and evil?
Can I use the "I'm evil because Batman lies and my parents suck" defense? Will it hold up in court?


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