Little Miss...

I'm feeling very downtrodden.

Well, actually, I was feeling better because I was doing random research on Wikipedia, which always takes my mind off things.

But I had made it a point to post and "downtrodden" was the intended topic.

Thus, again, I feel downtrodden.

But because I was feeling better, I don't feel like talking about it.

So "niah." (me sticking my tongue out in, well, the closest thing is contempt. Well, sort of. Contempt for the idea of moaning about my feelings, and I suppose apathy (as usual) for your opinion on it ("it" being whatever your opinion is on. Doesn't matter, because, well, apathy).).

On another note, try iMesh. It's fun.

On a related note: Sorry Fitz94, my power went out.

"I Kissed A Girl" ~Katy Perry
The Klaxons (specifically "Golden Skans")
OneRepublic (specifically "Apologize," either by them or the remix by Timbaland...if there's a difference, I can't tell.)
"Cobrastyle" ~Robyn (her other stuff isn't bad either...well, I haven't really listened to it too intensely, but it seemed okay.)
"All That I Am" ~Rob Thomas
And the "The 3:10 To Yuma" theme by Marco Beltrami

Edit for Fitz94 - For more intentional writing, rather than just a [sporadic] daily rant, check out the 2008 January archives. They're \\\\ thataway.


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