Battlestar Galactica

Just a few of my thoughts on the show, because I had some points I wanted to make.

I like the show, but honestly, I'm not terribly attached to any character or episode. I'm not sure I can even name an episode, let alone a favorite one. But on the whole, thinking of it as one un-mini mini-series, I think it's all pretty good.

I think the writers have done better at the beginning (when there was no end in sight) and end of the series (when they have a specific place they have to stop). It seems a little lost in the middle.

I think it's interesting that no point has been made of the fact that Hera is not the only half-cylon child. Tyrol's kid is too.

And with all of Tigh's confusion between Six and his wife, it's made me wonder if maybe his wife was a Six. I mean, Tigh's aged, so maybe he was married to a Six and she aged too. And she wouldn't have been one of the Five because, there were other Sixes. It'd be an interesting point.

Although, as it is, I'm still a little confused on how Tigh can be a Cylon in the first place. Wasn't he around during the first war with the Cylons? It seems a stretch to think that they would have already been capable of making skin jobs. But I suppose it's possible. I'm not too familiar on the history.

And as far as the final Cylon goes, I'm betting on Gaeta or Apollo's ex-wife, whatever her name is. Possibly Helo, but that would make Hera a full-Cylon child, not a half-breed. And with all the hype about her birth, I'm not sure it's possible to change it.

I don't think it's Starbuck (because she's got the visions), Rosslyn (because she's the dying leader), Adama or Apollo (because they're related), Zarick (because he's not on the show enough, so that rules out the other minor characters as well).

But it might be the lawyer. That'd be hilarious.

And I won't rule out that Billy suddenly walks through the door, alive and Cylon, either.

That'd be awesome in an almost mocking way.


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