
Showing posts from February, 2006

Disturbing Behavior

Does it creep anyone else out that first Steven Tyler puts his daughter in one of Aerosmith's videos as a striper, and then in Armageddon, provides the song that his daughter has sex to? I mean, that is weird, right?

A Round of Applause

I have to say, I'm impressed. I wasn't sure they could do it. But they managed to make my life worse. It was quite ingenious really. First, they get my hopes up by having my parents tell me they'll lend me the gas money to get home, and that I can live with them until I get back on my feet. Nice, right? The only thing I have to do is get out of my lease. No problem, I think. I mean, it's a college town. Most of these apartments are studios, so they're filled with mostly college students. I'm sure my landlords are used to having tenants who get into financial trouble and have to leave. If I'm lucky, I could even get my deposit back. Which would be enough to take care of my ticket, my electric bill, and any other bills that absolutely needed paid. Why, I'd even have enough left over to do my laundry. Maybe even buy a cheeseburger. Ah, but hope was dashed. So very clever. You see, I can get out of my lease, and even get my deposit back, but only, ONLY if I ...

Serves me right.

On my last post, I said that things sucked. Well, I suppose that's what I get for my presumption. You see, things have gotten worse. Much worse. The List: - My rent is still due. - If my cable bill paid itself, then my checking account is overdrawn. - My electric bill is 2 weeks overdue. - One of my credit card bills is overdue. - In about 2 weeks or so, I have to pay a student loan bill, a second credit card bill, my Dell bill, my Old Navy bill, and my phone bill - The other half of insurance is due - A left-over tuition bill (I'm not even going to mention how much that is) that will soon go to a collection agency and ruin my credit score - No job - No reasonable amount of writing done, despite all the time I have And to top it all off: Because I never got around to paying for it, because whenever I had the money I never remembered, and whenever I remembered I didn't have the money, my car registration is 6 months late, I now have (on top of the $80 to get the registration...

Fending off Panic

I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to make my rent for next month. $280 in a week and a half. Even if I got a job now, I still wouldn't get paid till at least the week after it was due. And I'd have to be working a full time job to make enough, anyway. Not to mention all the bills I have. And I don't even have enough money to bail and go home. I have enough money to maybe, maybe , get halfway. Although, I don't have enough room in my car for all my stuff, anyway. And "I cna't pay my rent" might not be a good enough reason to get out of my lease. So I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do. If you have any ideas, let me know. Life really sucks right now.

So Meaty

Whenever they're needed, no one is ever online.

It's sad when you learn from VH1

It should be against the law for celebrities to name their own children. I mean "Coco" and "Apple" are one thing. But come on: Poppy Honey and Daisy Boo God'iss Love Rebel, Rocket, Racer, Rogue Audio Science Banjo Magnus Hopper Jack Jermajesty Prince Michael, Paris Michael, Prince Michael II (aka "Blanket") Dixie Dot and Bebe Bell Rumer, Scout, Tallulah Bell Reign Beau and Freedom Story and Dream London (doesn't sound so bad, until you learn, it's where he was conceived) Trixie Bell, Pixie, Peaches Honey Blossom Pilot Inspector Seriously. Actual names. I mean, sure, I like names like "Alecto," "Vain," "Isaura," "Adara," or "Cree." But I'm nice enough to keep those names to characters in my novels. If I had a kid, I'd name them "Edward" or "Evelyn." Jason or Jonathan, if there wasn't already one of each in my family (as well as a John). Oh, and you know how I menti...

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

So I saw this sign on a guy’s door: 21 Reasons Why “Star Wars” is Better Than “Titanic” I mean, is there actually someone out there who needs a list to explain it? Let alone 21 reasons. And while we’re at it: if you’re stuck in the middle, with clowns on the left of you and jokers on the right, where are you? And why, when shooting at things that aren’t affected by bullets, do people waste an entire clip trying to kill it? And why, when they’re running out of ammo while fighting the Jaffa, doesn’t SG-1 just pick up all the staff weapons from the corpses and fight with those? And speaking of "Unleashed," which we weren't, it was nice to see that they gave a girl a chance to kick some ass. Even if she ultimately sucked at it. Narf.

The Razor

I know, I know. It remains the oddest freakin' thing about me. I'm terrified of sharks. More than terrified, really. And I can't watching them in movies (excluding Deep Blue Sea). But I love, LOVE watching documentaries about them. It's so entertaining. I think the main difference is intent. In movies, the sharks are given motives and motivation. They "want" to kill humans. They stalk their prey. And in documentaries, we're just following along with their natural behavior. As I've said before, I actually like sharks quite a bit. But I'm still scared to death of them. If for some reason, I ever ended up in salt water, just floating...? It's terrifying that I can't even comprehend what my reaction would be. My brain would be stuck, overloading between panic and all the things I shouldn't do. And on top of that list is continuing with this particular topic. So right, in movies. There are so many flaws in these things and many ha...

Oh for Heaven's Sake!

It's space!! SPACE!!!!!!! No gravity except when you're near other objects. No DIRECTIONS!!!! You can go any bloody way you want! So how could someone possibly set up a barricade? No, really. How could they? Because they certainly keep trying. They did it on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I'm watching it right now. They also tried it on Serenity (the movie version of Firefly). And trust me, I hate to bring it up, because they got a lot of other things right on that show. What with the no sound in space and ships that weren't aero-dynamic (since, duh, there's no air). But seriously, the Reavers are lingering in the space between the Serenity and Miranda, so they disguise the ship to sneak through? And the Enterprise is trying to prove the Romulans are helping the Klingons, so they set up a blockade and pass tackeons between the ships to reveal any cloaked ships (I told you, I'm watching it right now), and it worked? IT'S SPACE!!!!! It's endless. It's...

Holy Cow

Did you know that Ben Roethlisberger (Steelers' quarterback) was born in 1982? He's only 23!!! I mean, man, that's depressing. Though, the fact that he's hot makes me feel better when I think about how much more he's done with his life. It's a nice distraction.

Hell Yeah!!!!

The Terrible Towel strikes again. The Black and Gold, baby!!! Pittsburgh Steelers - 21 Seattle Seahawks - 10 Superbowl #5 Kick. Ass.
Go Steelers

Feeling sorry for yourself much?

I'm not gonna make it. I'll die alone. And I'll spend the rest of my life regretting what I never managed to acomplish.